Antibacterial Activity of Solanum Nigrum and Isolation of Bioactive Compounds

C. A. Akilan, C.S.Jeba Samuel, C.Mohana Priya


Plants have been used as medicines throughout history. Indeed, studies of wild animals show that they also instinctively eat certain plants to treat themselves for certain illnesses. Medicinal plants are widely and successfully used on every continent. In Asia, the practice of herbal medicine is extremely well established and documented. Many people now take medicinal plant products on a daily basis, to maintain good health as much as to treat illness. One of our natural resources is the plants in remote forests, some of which may contain compounds of potential medical use. The aim of this work is to determine the antibacterial activity of Solanum nigrum and to identify the bioactive compounds.


Solanum nigrum, antibacterial activity, fractionizing, bio-active compounds,instrumentation

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