Current Updates on Risk Factors of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Afreen Usmani, Anuradha Mishra


Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has a rising incidence in India frequently due to high prevalence of viral hepatitis, alcoholism, aflatoxin and its complications. HCC may affect more than 100 out of 100,000 people who live in some parts of Asia and Africa. Whatever that affects your probability of getting an ailment is called risk factor. Several risk factors, such as sex and place where you were born, are out of your control but other risk factors depend on your choices. This article summarizes the well-known risk factors of HCC such as alcoholism, viral hepatitis (hepatitis B infection is more common in Asia and hepatitis C is more common in the United States), aflatoxin in stapled foods, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, diabetes & obesity, hemochromatosis, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency; and minor risk factors such as anabolic steroids, vinyl chloride, arsenic, parasitic infection, smoking and dietary sugar.



Keywords: Hepatocellular carcinoma, aflatoxin, viral hepatitis, alcoholism


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Usmani A, Mishra A. Current Updates on Risk Factors of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 8(1): 23–31p.

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