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Hardware Design using Flexible Hk-Means

Simi P. Thomas, Anu Jose, merin pius, Merin Pius


High performance hardware is required to meet the necessities of consumer electronics. Color quantization and image partition are an inevitable part for different applications, and HK-Means is the main algorithm that is used for color quantization and image partition owing to its low cost, less computational time and the hardware area required. The computational time and the hardware area increases as the quantization number increases. Hierarchical K-means or HK-Means is a solution to the above mentioned problem. HK-means offers less computational time and hardware area with quantization number. HK-Means hardware design is done in two steps which include hardware architecture analysis and design of hardware area with high quantization number.

Keywords: Quantization methods, hardware design, HK-Means, parallel architectures, pattern recognition

Cite this Article: Simi P Thomas, Anu Jose, Resma Chandran V.P, et al., Hardware Design Using Flexible Hk-Means. Journal of Electronic Design Technology. 2015; 6(1): 30-35p.


Clustering methods, hardware design, K-Means, parallel architectures, pattern recognition.

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