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Microcontroller Based Automatic Thermal Control Mechanism in Small Scale Poultry Farm

Natique Z. Khan


Improvements to poultry housing systems need to focus on providing an environment that satisfies the bird’s thermal requirements in brooding and rearing duration. Newly hatched birds have a poor ability to control body temperature, and require some form of supplementary heating, particularly in the first few days after hatch, particularly in too cold and too hot weather. This paper presents the design of automatic thermal control mechanism in small-scale poultry farm to make sure chicken grows in required healthy manner and farmers suffer minimal loss due to young bird deaths and get maximum profit. This is achieved using temperature sensors, lamp, radiant heater, fan and cooler in conjunction with 89C51 microcontroller. Hourly based status of indoor temperature is updated through GSM module. An especial emergency alarm system with separate battery is also incorporated in the system to handle the worst case scenario.



Keywords: 89C51, DS1820, RTC, GSM module, fan, cooler, lamp, heater


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Khan Natique Z. Microcontroller Based Automatic Thermal Control Mechanism In Small Scale Poultry Farm. Journal of Electronic Design and Technology. 2016; 7(3): 1–6p.

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