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Energy Meter Reading Automation using Global System for Mobile

Dhanoj Mohan


Electronic Energy Meter (EEM) is based on digital microtechnology (DMT) and uses no moving parts. So the EEM is known as “Static Energy Meter”. In EEM the accurate functioning is controlled by a specially designed IC called ASIC (application specified integrated circuit). ASIC is constructed only for specific applications using Embedded System Technology. Energy meter reading is very costly nowadays. It is because the meter reader people goes to each meter to take the reading manually and issue the bill which is to be paid later. If this process is automated, then the tedious task of meter reading and bill calculation can be simplified. As a solution for this problem we introduce an Automated EEM Meter Reading System. This system is to monitor the energy consumption of each user and send it to the monitoring panel by using global system for mobile (GSM) module for further processing.
Keywords: Static energy meter, Embedded system, Application specified integrated circuit

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