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Nuclear Safety and its Regulation: A Review

Parul Singh, Abinav Kumar Pandey


Nuclear power plants use materials to produce heat which indirectly is converted to electricity. Radioactive materials are produced as a byproduct. The radioactive materials play a major role in cancer therapy but are hazardous to health. The use and process involved in the management and production of these has to hence regulated and monitored to ensure nuclear safety. To ensure nuclear safety qualified staff and effective workforce safety culture is required. The objective of nuclear safety is to protect and safeguard workers in the nuclear industry and to prevent environmental hazards. The use of nuclear energy in generation of electricity is extremely safe. Considering probable accidents and safety requirements licensing regulations are framed accordingly.


Keywords: Nuclear, radioactive materials, safety, workers, industry, regulation

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Parul Singh, Abinav Kumar Pandey. Nuclear Safety and its Regulation: A Review. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 2016; 6(2):

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