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Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Child-to-Child Approach Through Role Play on Knowledge Regarding Causes, Prevention and Management of Accidents Among School Going Children in Selected School of Bhilai, Chattisgarh

Rina Kumari, Liba Alex


Death rate of children due to road traffic accident is high in India due to low level enforcement of simple road safety measures in India, such as prohibition and monitoring of drunken driving, wearing helmets, seat belts and child restraints. School teachers should inculcate traffic safety among students and enforce traffic rules within the school premises. The mandatory use of child restraints can reduce child deaths by 35%.

A quasi experimental study was designed and conducted at primary school of Bhilai, India among school going children between 9 to 12 years of age. Self-structured questionnaire, schedule planned, pretest, posttest design was used to assess the effectiveness of child-to-child approach through role play on knowledge regarding causes, prevention and management of accidents among school going children

Knowledge status of subjects after posttest score showed that 85% of subject had excellent knowledge of prevention and management of accident. Association of demographic variables with knowledge of subjects after posttest score showed that education of mother was highly significant (P<0.05) and occupation of parents also showed significant association (P<0.05) with knowledge status of study subjects.

Child-to-child approach through role play in prevention and management of accident is very effective in enhancing knowledge of school going children. So it can be used for effective prevention of road traffic accidents.

Keywords: School going children, accident, child-to-child approach, role play

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