Micro Watershed Delineation and Codification in Chickballapur District Using GIS Techniques

K. Gajalakshmi, V. Anantharama


Enhanced and reproducible methods for watershed modelling and assessment are essential tools for monitoring and management of watersheds. However, only few integrated studies propose advanced open source data and methodologies for watershed modelling and assessment. In this study, free downloadable DEM is processed using GIS tools to delineate watersheds through drainage map. Seven watersheds were identified in chickballapur district. Further sub watershed, mini and micro watersheds were delineated hierarchically. The nine-digit watershed codification is proposed for each micro watershed. Recognizing each hydrologic unit with unique code provides a single stand to synergize all the types of developmental programs related to water resource planning and management, and avoiding doubling of interventions of different departments.

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Gajalakshmi and Anantharama. Micro Watershed Delineation and Codification in Chickballapur District Using GIS Techniques. Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS. 2016; 7(1): 75–80p.


DEM, GIS, chickballapur, drainage map, watershed

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