Studies on the Growth Promoting Effects of Coconut Leaf Vermiwash on the Germination of Black Gram (Vigna mungo L.)

S. Priya, R. Ezhilarasi


Coconut leaf vermiwash (CLV) was produced from actively vermicomposting coconut leaf litter + cow dung substrate (5:1 W/W) basis by Eudrilus fetida. It significantly increased the growth of Vigna mungo at 1:5, 1:10, and 1:20 dilution in trails. Increases the growth was recorded at 1:5 dilution of coconut leaf vermiwash. Increasing the population of the soil microorganisms, particularly plant beneficial ones, and their activities which would have facilitated increased uptake of the nutrients by the plants resulting in higher growth and yield.



Keywords: Coconut leaf, cow dung, earthworm, Vigna mungo


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S. Priya, R.Ezhilarasi. Studies on the Growth Promoting Effects of Coconut Leaf Vermiwash on the Germination of Black Gram (Vigna mungo L.). Research & Reviews: A Journal of Biotechnology. 2015; 5(2): 4–7p.

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