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Lattice Parameter and Grain Size of Hydroxyl apatite of Enamel that

abdillah imron nasution


The structure of Hydroxyl apatite (HA) were changed by acid exposure both in the core and crystal wall in 180 minutes. Sunti acid (Averrhoa bilimbi l) is one of the most popular traditional foods in Aceh that has a pH 2.1 that could improve the structure of HA. Nanostructure change of the HA ultimately affect the strength and macro structure of tooth enamel. The objective of this study is to explain the nanostructure of HA after exposure by sunti acid in 180 minutes. Material and Methods: Nanostructure of enamel before and after sunti acid exposure was analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The studies conducted at Puspiptek (Center for Research Science and Technology)-Batan, Serpong and Laboratory of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Syiah Kuala. Research conducted in June-July 2010. Specimens used were 10 enamel premolars were dividing into two groups: control group and sunti acid treatment group. Treatment group specimens immersed in 32.5 ml sunti acid for 180 minutes. XRD analysis carried out by Philips Diffractometer PW 1710. Lattice parameters (c and a-axis) calculated by Match Crystal Impact 2010 and grain size of crystal calculated by Scherrer equation. Results: c-axis of sunti acid specimens were higher than control (6.74 Å vs. 6.72 Å), a-axis of sunti acid specimens were lower than control (9.74 Å vs. 9.76 Å), and grain size of HA in sunti acid decreased when compared to the control (18.84 nm vs 19.06 nm). Conclusion: Sunti acid exposure has changed the lattice parameters and crystal size of hydroxyl apatite of enamel. Structural changes that occur are the increased length of c-axis, decreased length of a-axis and grain size of hydroxyl apatite of enamel.


crystallinity, hydroxyl apatite, c-axis, a-axis, grain size

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