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Salivary Level of Thiocyanate in Smokers and Non-smokers: A Case Study Taken at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto Nigeria

I.I. Muhammad, R. S.U. Wasagu, M.K. Abubakar


Thiocyanate levels were determined by spectrophotometric method, for saliva samples collected from 73 healthy adult volunteers. Individuals were grouped into groups A, B and C based on smoking habits, food intake and non-smoking habits respectively. A significantly higher concentrations of thiocyanate in the saliva samples under A were observed, with a mean concentration of (2.34 mmol/L) compared to the saliva samples under B with a mean concentration of (1.36 mmol/L). The samples in group C shows least or in some cases undetected level of thiocyanate as they belong to individuals that are non-smokers and thus were used as control, with a mean concentration of (0.55 mmol/L). Higher levels of cyanide exposure may therefore be another risk factor in tobacco smoking, and also intake of foods rich in cyanogenic glycosides could elevate the salivary thiocyanate level. Thiocyanate levels have been use as smokers’ marker.



Keywords: Thiocyanate, spectrophotometric, cyanide, cyanogenic glycoside, smoking habits, marker

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I.I. Muhammad, R.S.U. Wasagu, M.K. Abubakar. Salivary Level of Thiocyanate in Smokers and Non-smokers: A Case Study Taken at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto Nigeria. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Life Sciences. 2017; 7(1):    1–5p.

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