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Complications and Ailments of The Mind That Impact Everyday Health At Workplace

Yashika Ved


Over the last decenniums, workplaces have agonized a great pact of upheaval which has distraught individuals' capacity to work and retain their jobs, correspondingly unnerving their mental health. Most Hyper-industrialized including industrialized &lesser technologically advanced nations have experienced workplace transformations that have been influenced in substantial part, by economic, legal, political, technological and demographic issues. These turbulences embracing globalization, privatization and urbanization laterally with liberalization of trade regulations have stimulated organizations to operate aggressively, creating high-pitched work performance environments to compete in a global economy. Subsequently, these vicissitudes have bought about, a noteworthy increase in mental health complications amidst workers. This study aims at exploring the complications of mind, in particular adjustment, mood disorders, depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, impulse control disorder, psychotic disorders, substance use disorder and eating disorders that accounts for most of the common psychopathologies hammering individuals everyday health at workplace. Besides this, it is designed to provide current, practical information for employers to assist with intervening in response to ailments of the mind among their employees. Theoretical underpinnings related to mental problems etiology and intervention is briefly summarized along with the impact of these ailments on everyday health and at workplace.


Workplace disorders, mental ailments, interventions, everyday health, coping mechanisms

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