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Obesity and Stress among Health Professionals of a Rural Hospital of Delhi

Shantanu Sharma, Tanu Anand, Jugal Kishore, Bijan Kumar Dey, G.K. Ingle


Obesity has been recognized as public health problem due to the fact that it increases the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and many types of cancers. Obesity decreases the productivity of a country by reducing life expectancy of an individual. It is also becoming a common health problem in Indian population. The current cross-sectional study re-affirmed this finding. This study reveals a significant relationship between stress levels and vacationing. By incorporating compulsory vacations in stress management programmes, workers could be de-stressed.Thus, encouraging healthy lifestyles among them would result in more likelihood of them providing preventive and health promotive counselling to their patients.


obesity, stress, patients

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