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Radiation Hazards from the Modern Information Communication Technology Equipment: An Imminent Public Health Threat!

Nidhi Bhatnagar, Rajesh Gupta, Ravneet Kaur, Manoj Grover


With exponential growth in ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) sector, world is experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon of change in inter-personal communication. Policy documents, declarations, recommendations and publications on health impact of radiations from mobile phones and base station were consulted to review existing debate on public health hazards of the emitted radiation. Newspaper articles were reviewed for current updates. Scientific literature provides conflicting evidence, inconsistent across different studies. Guidelines set by International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) for limiting exposure to electromagnetic fields are debatable across countries. Preventive measures e.g. Restriction on installation of mobile towers, Specific Absorption Rate restricted to 1.6 watt/kg and displayed on mobile handsets are proposed. Close analyses of scientific studies reveal small number of well-controlled studies. Robust cohort studies are needed to establish long term health effects of cumulative radiation exposure


EMR, inter-personal communication, cumulative radiation

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