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Rectal Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma Masquerading as Urinoma: A Case Report

Syed Sajjad Nazir, Mudassir M Wani, Ashfaq Amin, Firdous A Khanday


A 26-year old man presented with a history of right-sided lion pain and microscopic hematurie for the last 2 weeks. Radiologic studies demonstrated urinoma secondary to ureteric obstruction at the pelvic brim. Laparotomy revealed an unsuspected recto-sigmoid adenocarcinoma compressing the right lower ureter producing the urinoma. Colorectal carcinoma is a rare cause of urinoma.


Keywords: Urinoma, ureter, adenomacarcinoma, rectosigmoid


 Cite this Article

Syed Sajjad Nazir, Mudassir M. Wani, Ashfaq Amin et al. Rectal signet ring cell carcinoma masquerading as urinoma: a case report. Research and Reviews: Journal of Medicine. 2015; 5(3): 12–15p.

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