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Impact of Amiloride-Hydrochlorthiazide Diuretic Against the Pathway of Uric Acid – VLDL and Peroxynitrite in Essential Hypertension

Ansam Naji Al-Hasani, Omeed Jaleel Daloe


Thiazides induce metabolic derangement in terms of hyperlipidemia, glucose intolerance, hyperuricemia and electrolytes imbalance. Co-amiloride-hydrochlorthiazide therapy favorably corrects the hypokalemia that is induced by thiazides alone. This study was aimed to identify the interactions between serum uric acid, very-low-density-lipoprotein (VLDL) and peroxynitrite in essential hypertensive patients using amiloride-hydrochlorthiazide as antihypertensive therapy. A total number of fifty patients (12 males and 38 females) with a history of hypertension were admitted in the study. The patients were equally grouped to hypertensive patients treated with mono-therapeutic antihypertensive (Group I) agent other than amiloride-hydrochlorthiazide and hypertensive patients treated with mono-therapeutic antihypertensive: amiloride-hydrochlorthiazide (5/50 mg). Fasting peripheral venous blood was obtained for determination of fasting serum glucose, uric acid, lipid profile (total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol-cholesterol (HDL-c) and serum peroxynitrite. There were non-significant differences in characteristics, anthropometric and blood pressure measurements between groups. The metabolic profile and serum peroxynitrite were higher in Group II compared with corresponding Group I and reached significant level (p <0.01) with serum uric acid (5.41±1.0 mg/dL versus 4.7±0.64 mg/dL respectively). Significant correlation between serum uric acid and VLDL-cholesterol (VLDL-c) was observed in Group I (r=0.612, p <0.01) and Group II (r=0.0.547, p <0.01). Amiloride-hydrochlorthiazide as antihypertensive agent induces unfavorable metabolic derangement in hypertensive patients and may affect the health of patients.



Keywords: Amiloride-hydrochlorthiazide, metabolic derangement, hypertension

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Ansam Naji Al-Hasani, Omeed Jaleel Daloe. Impact of Amiloride-Hydrochlorthiazide Diuretic against The Pathway of Uric Acid VLDL and Peroxynitrite in Essential Hypertension. Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmacology. 2015; 5(3): 6–11p.

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