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Condition Monitoring Of Power Transformer Using Different Techniques

Pravin Rathod, Ankit Shah Patel, Sameer Patel, Chirag Parekh


Transformer is one of the key equipment of the power system. Power rating of the transformers varies from KVA to several hundreds of MVA. The transformer is an expensive equipment of the power system. Failures of transformer usually lead to substantial profit loss to the utility, potential environmental damage, explosion and fire hazards and expensive repairing or replacement costs; thus, it is desirable that the maximum service life of transformer is required. Condition monitoring of transformer can help to increase the life of the transformer and reduce the maintenance cost. On-line monitoring is the record of significant data of a transformer and analysis of data including the history of the transformer. In this paper, we present the different techniques adopted for condition monitoring of transformer.



Keywords: Power transformer, insulation conditioning, winding condition, condition monitoring techniques

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Pravin Rathod, Ankit Shah Patel, Sameer Patel, Chirag Parekh. Condition Monitoring of Power Transformer Using Different Techniques. Trends in Electrical Enginerring. 2016; 6(2):      1–8p.

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