Recent Trends in Programming languages
- eISSN 2455-1821
- SJIF: 5.921
Editor, Reviewer and Author
Recent Trends in Programming Languages (RTPL): Trends in programming languages have always been influenced by programming paradigms, which in turn have been characterized by general computing trends. There are several less common paradigms in programming languages such as declarative or functional programming that focuses on high expressiveness.
- High - Level programming languages
- Data Representation, data abstraction, procedure activation
- Programming language C
- IF- - then - else, switch, while, for, do
- Parameter passing, pointers, arrays, structures, C-library
- Program transformation techniques
- Functional programming in different application areas: security, mobility, telecommunications applications, embedded systems, global computing, grids, etc.
- Debugging for functional languages
- Interoperability with imperative programming languages
- Functional programming and multicourse / many core computing
- Programming language implementation
- Programming languages for concurrency
- Runtime techniques for programming languages
- Static and dynamic program analysis
- Software model checking
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